Monday, May 2, 2011


April 2011 - a month best ignored. Seattle's worst ever, in terms of cold and rain...That said, we've had plenty to keep us amused - if not completely distracted from the damp chillthatpermeated our bones!

Our baby chicks are morphing into awkward pre-adolescents, all feathering out and testing their wings:

First week chicks Fifth week chicks

The two 'replacement' blondes have acquired names at last (Maggie and Lucie), and have commenced to laying steadily - we're delighted to be in eggs once again:

We got 10+ yards of cow manure delivered a couple of weeks ago, and have been shoveling shit ever since - finally cleared the driveway at last, and spent today in the garden digging it into our vegetable beds, even planted a few starts (kale, broccoli, romaine) just to prove to myself that warmer weather is coming soon. Today was lovely, pure sunshine and mid-60's. Changes one's outlook, I have to say! Here are a couple of shots of our backyard in the sun: