It has been interesting to be sans camera for a month or so - starting right off with being on the last week of vacation and no way to capture all that we saw. I noticed that I spent a lot more time looking at things with my eyes, and thus actually seeing what I'm often urgently trying to shoot. So - all of that is firmly captured in my mind (I even did a few sketches in our trip journal - Georgia O'Keefe I am not). But then we had friends visit from out of town with their 7-yr old son, complete with fun tourist activities and great meals - and no photos!
Thanks to my dear brother who is always willing to do the technical research on my behalf, I went out and got myself a new camera last weekend - Panasonic FZ35 (superzoom). I'm favorably impressed after playing around with it ever so briefly and looking forward to the chance to take it through its paces. The startling clarity and detail of the few photos we did take left me thinking the superzoom should be reserved for wildlife viewing, not closeups of the pores on my face!
See for yourself:
And here's Bob, to be fair:
And for good measure, Leota (check out her scaly leg!):
Pretty damn nice...Can't wait for the next vacation!!